In the heart of Barcelona


We are located in the Barcelona city center, a meeting point and reference location of Barcelona.

You can take a rest with a good cocktail in the Terrace Bar during all day or dance until 06am with the best music in all times: Rock, Rock&Roll, Pop, Indie, Soul, Hard Rock…

You will find us in:

Bar Discoteca Karma

Plaza Real, número 10, bajos.
08002 Barcelona
Telèfon: 933025680




Opens all Day & Night

Terrace Bar opens every day at 11:30 in the morning until 03:00am

Rock Club opens at 00am  and closes at 5/6am in the morning.

Bar Disco
Dilluns 11:30 – 03:00 Closed (*)
Dimarts 11:30 – 03:00 00:00 – 05:00 (*)
Dimecres 11:30 – 03:00 00:00 – 05:00 (*)
Dijous 11:30 – 03:00 00:00 – 05:00 (*)
Divendres 11:30 – 03:30 00:00 – 06:00
Dissabte 11:30 – 03:30 00:00 – 06:00
Diumenge 11:30 – 03:00 Closed (*)

(*) Opens Holidays eves until  06:00am.